
Success Food

Success Food International Enterprise is a registered growing food manufacturing industry based in Akpabuyo, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. The enterprise was born out of the passion of a young mother to make quality and affordable protein food available for her family in the midst of scarcity of protein in the country way back in the year 1989. Since then, we have grown in the specialty of processing healthy home food like Soybeans powder, soya custard, soya+milk custard, chocolate custard, yoghurt and fruit drinks

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the largest suppliers of healthy food products in the country, and in the process, build a conglomerate for the food manufacturing industry.

Our Mission

With a current staff team of about twenty five workers (15 females and 10males), our mission is to, inspite of the difficult terrain of the Nigerian economy, commit to utilize the raw materials within our reach to bring quality and affordable food products to the table of millions in Nigeria and around the world. Also, with a variety of food products, we seek to enhance healthy growth by giving excellent nutritional value to our consumers. We work harder to give the best quality of products with excellent packaging, and making our products most presentable on the shelves. Finally, we seek to empower more people in our environment by creating more jobs for at least thirty more people in the next two years via the enterprise while doing business with the farmers and other partners within the value chain of our industry.